HomeBabiesBaby Milestones 0 - 3 months: Week-By-Week Guide

Baby Milestones 0 – 3 months: Week-By-Week Guide


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A child’s physical and mental development is measured through the achievement of a series of milestones. These are generally defined as the core skills most children should develop by a certain age. Baby milestones are a great way to monitor your baby’s progress as they grow. This list includes both gross and fine motor skills. Here are some of the baby milestones month by month your child will likely hit during this time.

Week-By-Week Milestone Guide

Week 1

The first week of life is full of wonderful discoveries and milestones of baby. They are adjusting to life out of the womb, and your voice and scent will help them calm down and know they can rely entirely on you. Though they do not understand the language, it will lay the foundation for language development in the brain.

Week 2

The second week of life can be confusing, chaotic, and full of uncertainty. Your baby hasn’t undergone many major developmental changes yet, but they can focus on objects at a distance of 8-14 inches away. To help enhance their tracking skills and eye muscles, tilt your head from side to side to see if they follow your suit with their eyes during feeding time.

Week 3

Your baby should be getting  plumper than on day one, and they should be sleeping sixteen to twenty hours per day. The third week is a great time for babies to learn snuggling. They will start making jerky and random movements. Watch their posture while you hold them. You will observe that they will adjust their posture to accommodate yours as they find great comfort in your scent.

Week 4

At 4 weeks, your baby will start to make different noises. They will also begin to focus on sounds and high pitches. They may even respond with sounds such as coos or “goo.” This is a great time for you to engage with your baby when they are responding.

Week 5

At this age, your baby may start to focus on faces and objects. Look out for the head movements and gaze, focusing when they are awake or after a feeding. Try talking to your baby gently to encourage this development. You can also try giving your baby supervised tummy time daily. Make sure to use toys white or red to appeal to your baby’s interests and stimulate their cognitive development. 

Week 6

The 6th week of a baby’s life is considered a significant milestone. During this time, your baby will begin growing and start showing signs of emotions. You will notice their first smile! The first time your baby smiles is likely a faux smile resulting from gas or urination. But this milestone is a big one as you will see their genuine smile!

Week 7

During this week, your baby will start to use their arms and legs more. They may also try to grasp objects around them. A play mat will help your baby develop purposeful movements. Your baby may also start smiling at you and may reach out for things. They’ll recognize familiar objects and play games with them by looking for the objects they like in the container. They will also learn to recognize three-dimensional objects and identify their surroundings and bright colours.

Week 8

Babies start drooling and may laugh when their belly is tickled. They may also begin to play independently. Your baby’s head can be raised 45 degrees. To ensure your baby is comfortable with this milestone, keep them on their stomach for short periods each day. 

Week 9

At nine weeks old, babies have begun settling down and following a predictable feeding schedule. At this stage, they have a fully developed sense of hearing and are likely to start interacting with you by trying to turn towards you when you make a sound. They may even start to shake the rattle constantly, trying to figure out from where it is coming.

Week 10

Now, they can follow your gaze, respond to you, and likely express social smiles. They also enjoy being held upright against your body to burn energy. They may have started to grasp things. They can also identify their parents and similar faces and greet them in their own way. To hone their social skills, introduce them to social family activities like dinner time and carrying them around in a sling.

Week 11

The baby also makes regular sounds and is usually interested in you when you talk to them. Try playing peek-a-boo with them, and they will usually giggle at the sight of the other parent. It will also help them develop their hand-eye coordination. If they are not interested in the game you are playing, they are probably overstimulated or simply not interested in it.

Week 12

By week 12, your baby has fully developed control of their hands. They can now bring their hands together, curl their hands in a firm grip, look at them, and taste them. Do not stop them from experimenting, as this will give them a perception of feeling different textures. In addition, you can give them toys to help them understand the textures.

Week 13

Your baby will laugh, chuckle, and babble a lot at this stage. They will welcome you with smiles and coos every time they see you.

Week 14

Your baby is now 14 weeks old! This means that they are showing signs of individuality and hand-eye coordination. They will try to mimic your mouth movements and aim for a toy, probably put it in their mouth.

Week 15

During Week 15, your baby’s bones and muscle tissue have continued to develop. Stronger muscles enable your baby to stretch out more. Those legs and spine are now much longer and sturdier. They will start to move and roll over. You must keep an eye on them constantly to avoid any harm.

Week 16

Your baby is beginning to understand what is going on around them. They can roll over, hold their head, and grasp a few objects. Try to keep your baby on a raised surface, but be sure to supervise. Let your baby roll on it for 8 to 10 minutes and lie on its stomach. You should encourage them to look up and hold their head during this time. They may make a fuss but try getting out of their peripheral vision to stop their fussing as they will try to search and focus on you.


baby milestones by month guide to the development during a child’s first quarter outlines the progress children will encounter. Some babies will reach these milestones sooner, while others will take longer. While using this list as a guide, you should also schedule regular well-child checkups to see how your child is progressing. Consult your pediatrician if you have any questions.


What to do if my child does not meet the milestone?

Not every child is the same; some children reach milestones earlier, while some may not. As a parent, you should give your child time to explore things and grow at their pace. However, if there is a persistent issue, then talk to a pediatrician.

Why are the milestones of baby important?

They are important to understand as well as track the growth and development of the baby.

Somapika Dutta (B.Sc Physiology, Honours)
Somapikar holds Bachelors Degree in Physiology from University of Culcutta. She has 6+ years of experience writing in different niches, including health, tech and lifestyle. An animal enthusiast and a raging foodie, experiencing life - one day at a time.


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