HomeBabiesBaby Milestones From 15 - 18 Months : Week-By-Week Guide

Baby Milestones From 15 – 18 Months : Week-By-Week Guide


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Your baby’s brain is beginning to develop. Between 15 and 18 months, your child can feed themselves and use a toy for manipulation. The development of fine motor skills continues with the development of the pincer grasp. Your child should also be able to stack blocks, grasp objects with their fingertips, and play simple sorting games. This is a key developmental milestone. As your child gets older, you can expect to see them use a toy to pretend to make a phone call.

Your baby’s sense of ‘self’ is beginning to emerge. The baby may start to understand the function of objects such as toys, clothing, and furniture. They may even attempt to run. Their muscles are also stronger, so they can pick up and carry objects. These baby milestones are very exciting for parents and paediatricians.

Your child’s speech is also beginning to develop. By 18 months, your toddler will be able to manipulate objects between their thumb and index finger and themselves. They will also be able to tell a story from their drawings. Your child will also begin using their hands to grasp objects and feed themselves. They may even be able to say “dada” or “daddy!”

Baby milestones month by month

Week 65

This is the sixty-fifth wonder week, during which babies begin to grasp objects, understand the relationship between objects, and develop an attachment toward them. During this week, your baby starts throwing temper tantrums and needs additional reassurance. At this time, a baby will also start to understand distance. Therefore, it is essential to supervise your baby and provide reassurance. 

Week 66

Encourage your baby to pick up toys by bending over. This helps them develop motor skills and helps them learn simple tasks. Also, give them big toys to play with. These toys will encourage them to crawl and walk. And they will develop their upper body strength and coordination. Make sure you give them lots of stimulation! They will love playing with toys! So get out there and make some time for your baby.

Week 67

Your baby may start using words and may even call you by your chosen name. It’s an exciting time, and preparing your child for the future can be exhilarating! During this week, your baby is also learning how much they can handle before getting tired. Keep a consistent bedtime routine to help your child understand when it’s time for bedtime.

Week 68

If you’ve been wondering about your baby’s development, then week 68 milestones of the baby will give you plenty of reason to rejoice! Your baby has begun to develop opinions and is learning how to control their environment. This milestone is a great time to include your baby in family activities, such as playing a board game. If you must work, you can always put them in a carrier sling to be close to them.

Week 69

While your baby is on the move, they are still learning to manipulate objects and develop their motor skills. Try getting fun toys that help your baby develop these skills. Use a human obstacle to encourage your baby to crawl over you to help them develop gross motor skills and build upper body strength. This milestone is also important for a child to learn about cause, effect, and rhythm. 

Week 70

This is when your baby begins to grasp the concept of sequences. This may include talking on the phone, understanding the meaning of words, playing with objects, copying your actions, expressing fear & bargaining, and understanding that everything happens in a sequence. As your baby gets older, they will also begin to recognize sounds and phrases, such as your name and theirs. Eventually, they will learn about boundaries and other concepts of time, space, and conversation.

Week 71

During this stage, your baby may not be interested in the games you are playing or may get overstimulated. At this point, your baby will begin to babble. These sounds are likely tied to certain emotions, like joy or sadness. A few weeks later, they’ll be able to talk and walk; some may even have started speaking clear words.

Week 72

Once your baby can stand and cruise around on their own, they will be ready to start walking and even dancing. As they grow stronger, your baby’s back begins to straighten, and they can do more complex tasks like kicking a ball.

Week 73

The baby will start responding to your instructions, like sit down and dance. They may take up more challenging games like riding toy cars or horses. They may also start to sort out their toys based on colour, shape, and size.

Week 74

By week 74, your baby will start using a new vocabulary and start speaking more clearly. They will communicate more with you in phrases. They may imitate you by repeating your actions with their toys like feeding, napping, etc.

Week 75

At this point in your baby’s development, your toddler will begin to understand the world around them, which includes how to categorize things. An apple, for instance, is large and sweet, whereas a pea is green and round. These distinctions will allow your baby to categorize items as fruit or vegetables. As your toddler grows older, you’ll see a tremendous leap in vocabulary and language comprehension.

Week 76

Your baby will explore the picture books independently and scribble with a grip. They can now string clear phrases out of words and learn to play with more challenging toys.

Week 77

Your baby will understand simple instructions and requests. As you talk to them, they will start to imitate your words and sounds to communicate with you. Soon, they will know what you say and be able to point to them when you ask them to. They may also be able to point to things like toys and clothes or will understand how to use a telephone. 

Week 78

Your baby is learning how to explore their world. They are starting to discover hidden toys, bang blocks together, and look for dropped objects. The baby is learning to move around by crawling, rolling, and shuffling. They will also show signs of toilet training readiness and building a tower of cubes.


It is important to remember that every child is different, so the timing of developmental baby milestones by month will vary from one child to another. Toddlers develop at their own pace, so you must be patient. If some milestones don’t occur immediately, it is still perfectly normal. Parents should always be aware of delays in milestones. But if your child does not seem to be making progress at the right time, don’t panic! Your doctor will be able to help you make the most informed decision.



Somapika Dutta (B.Sc Physiology, Honours)
Somapikar holds Bachelors Degree in Physiology from University of Culcutta. She has 6+ years of experience writing in different niches, including health, tech and lifestyle. An animal enthusiast and a raging foodie, experiencing life - one day at a time.


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