In-vitro fertilization (IVF) itself is a stressful procedure. Not only on the body but also the mind. Leaving your chances of a successful conception in the hands and expertise of specialists is daunting itself. But, pair that with the incriminating two-weeks wait after the initial embryo transfer, and the stress level rises further.
The ten days after embryo transfer symptoms are subjective. Some patients witness implantation bleeding, while others experience tenderness in their breasts. And some patients experience nothing. Witnessing no symptoms after a successful embryo transfer is normal and should not be a cause of concern.
This article will discuss some positive signs of embryo transfer, why having no symptoms is normal, and everything you want to know about the procedure.
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What is Embryo Transfer?
The embryo transfer is the ultimate step in the IVF procedure. The fertilized and matured embryo in the lab is transferred to the female patient’s uterus for implantation and successful pregnancy.
The patient has to wait for two weeks after embryo transfer to do a blood test for pregnancy to check whether they are pregnant or not.
What are the Positive Signs of Embryo Transfer?
Ideally, fertility specialists say that a pregnancy test is the best and most accurate way to find whether the IVF cycle was a success or not. Although there are a few selective positive signs of embryo transfer, not every patient experiences them.
We have mentioned some of the most notable ones worth considering:
Implantation bleeding or spotting
One of the “after embryo transfer day by day symptoms” is implantation bleeding. This should happen between the two weeks after the embryo transfer. The signs of spotting in your underwear indicate successful implantation of the embryo to the uterine lining.
Spotting and bleeding after a week of embryo transfer are common. However, doctors also clarify that spotting can be a side-effect of the hormone medications and fertility drugs administered during the IVF process.
Experience mild cramping is another sign of successful implantation. However, it also coincides with the symptoms of taking progesterone until two weeks after the embryo transfer. So, distinguishing the two can be a little confusing.
The National Fertility Association associates the cramping during IVF procedure with the progesterone levels in the body. Also, the cramping can be due to a recent pelvic examination and constant probing.
Chronic tiredness
Tiredness and fatigue are synonymous with pregnancy. So, if you are experiencing constant lethargy and fatigue after the embryo transfer that is unlike normal, it could be a positive sign of an embryo transfer. If the implantation is successful and the progesterone levels are high, it can feel excess sleepy.
If possible, try and monitor your energy levels after the embryo transfer. If you feel a sudden dip in the energy levels, paired with tiredness, it could be a sign of pregnancy.
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Soreness or tenderness in breasts
Doctors advise their IVF patients to touch and feel their breasts after the embryo transfer. The reason is that a successful pregnancy often coincides with soreness and tenderness in the breasts. The sudden tenderness is due to the surge in pregnancy hormones in the bloodstream.
However, like the other positive symptoms, even sore breasts can be a side-effect of the injected progesterone in your body.
Nausea and bloating
If there are two worst signs of pregnancy, it has to include nausea and bloating. They leave the would-be mother uncomfortable throughout the days and nights. However, nausea isn’t one of them when noting the IVF pregnancy symptoms. Experiencing nausea two weeks after the embryo transfer isn’t a normal symptom. If you confuse that with morning sickness, be assured that morning sickness happens two months into pregnancy.
As for bloating, heightened progesterone levels can contribute to it. However, it is difficult to ascertain whether the spiked progesterone levels are due to the medications or the successful implantation of the embryo until a positive pregnancy test.
Increased vaginal discharge
It could be an early sign of pregnancy if you notice a sudden increase of thin, white, mild-smelling vaginal discharge. However, the doctor’s prescribed topical vaginal gels or medications for progesterone can also contribute to vaginal discharge. So, you need to wait until the first two weeks after embryo transfer to get a proper pregnancy test to determine if it is from successful implantation.
Frequent urination
The symptoms of frequent urination or a sudden urge to pee at odd hours of the day can be due to spiked hCG hormone levels in the bloodstream. This, along with spiked progesterone, can signify successful implantation.
However, if the urge to pee comes with itching, burning sensation, and discomfort, it could be a sign of urinary tract infection too. So, rule out all the possibilities.
Having No Symptoms After Embryo Transfer – Explained
The concept of “14 days after embryo transfer no symptoms” is normal and not indicative of the success or failure of the IVF procedure. If you didn’t experience any of the symptoms mentioned above during the two-week wait post embryo transfer, it’s fine.
Just because you didn’t experience these symptoms doesn’t mean your IVF procedure and implantation were failures.
Reports suggest that 10-15% of the IVF patients experience no symptoms but experience a successful conception after the two-week mark. Doctors recommend waiting for the pregnancy test results after the embryo transfer to come to a conclusion.
Also, the signs of failed IVF in 2 weeks are not standard. Some patients can experience all these symptoms and still not be pregnant and vice versa.
Pregnancy Test after 2 Weeks of Embryo Transfer
Now that you have a basic idea of what to expect and what to look out for, let us talk about the pregnancy test.
Typically, a successful pregnancy test can take 10-14 days. So, the doctors suggest taking a home pregnancy test 2 weeks after the embryo transfer. Aside from home pregnancy tests, blood tests also confirm the conception 100%.
The doctors might also ask their IVF patients to wait till they have “missed” their period before taking the test.
The doctor suggests waiting two weeks to let the possibly implanted embryo increase in size. After the transfer, the embryo will attach within the first 72 hours. By 9-10 days, the embryo has heightened metabolic activity and produces hCG hormone that reflects on a positive pregnancy test.
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Get a consultation from the best IVF center of your Location
The two weeks of a dire wait after an embryo transfer can be daunting for the patients undergoing IVF. The constant strings of “what ifs” and questioning can crowd one’s mind. It is an exhausting wait, especially if you aren’t experiencing any unusual symptoms.
While a handful of “early pregnancy” symptoms come with successful implantation, not every patient experiences them. And that is completely fine. You have to wait for the 10-14 days mark to take a blood test for pregnancy to confirm your answers.
This content has been reviewed by Srujana Mohanty who is working in scientific & medical writing and editing since 2018. She is also associated with the quality assurance team of scientific journal editing.