Pregnancy subjects a woman’s body to go through a lot of changes. They undergo physical, emotional and physiological changes through this journey. Proper placenta development is the most crucial part of a healthy pregnancy.
The placenta is an organ that delivers the much-needed nutrition to the fetus during pregnancy to support its steady growth and development. From oxygen to hormones and nutrients, the placenta is essential in providing many factors required by the developing fetus during pregnancy.
Typically, the placenta develops where the fertilized egg implants itself in the uterus. Depending on that, there are a few definitive positions of the placenta and the posterior fundal placenta is one of them.
We will be discussing more about the definitive positions of the placenta that are necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
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Development of Placenta – Stages:
The placenta positioning and development changes throughout your pregnancy. This is why your OBGY closely monitors the placenta, its growth, shape, position and development as the pregnancy progresses.
As the uterus enlarges with fetal development, the placenta can move upwards. As the baby’s head grows and it prepares itself for the delivery, the placenta gradually ascends by the third trimester while the uterine walls stretch and become thinner.
The placenta typically moves up in most healthy pregnancies by 32 weeks.
What is a Fundal Placenta?
There are different types of placental positions, as we mentioned earlier. Besides the Fundal placenta, you also have the Standard Posterior and Anterior positions of the placenta.
However, here we focus on the Fundal placenta, especially on the fundal posterior placenta.
The fundal placenta is when the placenta attaches itself to the top of the uterus. This position is a lot more common than many would-be mothers think. It may be completely safe in most cases, until any other complications arise.
Doctors suggest looking out for severe bleeding, back pain or a sudden and sharp abdominal pain as signs of concern. If any or all of these symptoms persist, it is ideal to seek immediate medical assistance.
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What is a Fundal Posterior Placenta?
Now that you have a basic understanding of the fundal placenta, let us further elaborate on it.
Fundal placenta is further categorized into two types – fundal anterior placenta and fundal posterior placenta.
Fundal posterior placenta is where the placenta is positioned on the top of the uterus but slightly tipped backwards, towards the spinal side.
On the contrary, a fundal anterior placenta is the position where the placenta is on top but slightly tipped towards the belly side.
Is a Posterior Fundal Placenta Position safe for your baby?
Mostly, yes.
Throughout the pregnancy, the placenta gradually shifts towards the upward part of the uterus. So, unless there are concerning symptoms like bleeding with this placental position, there’s nothing to worry about.
Is it Possible to have a Normal Delivery with Fundal Posterior Placenta?
The posterior placental position is one of the safest positions that support normal delivery. The fundal posterior placenta allows the baby to grow and gradually descend for delivery as the labor approaches.
However, complications like placenta previa can arise before labor in such cases. If the placenta gets too close to the cervix, it can obstruct the baby’s head, hampering the delivery. In such cases, the surgeons prefer cesarean birth over vaginal birth.
How will I know if I have a Fundal Posterior Placenta?
The position of your placenta is seen during the ultrasound examinations by a sonologist. Ideally, your doctor will be able to tell the placental position with certainty during the 12-week ultrasound appointment.
However, the position of your placenta or the distance between the placenta and the cervix can be seen clearly during the 20-week scan. The overall morphology of the placenta can also be commented upon at this time.
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Fundal posterior placental position is a lot more common than many women think. Not only is it normal, but it is a very safe position for the baby to get all the nutrition it needs during its growth in the womb. It provides ample space for the baby to grow and descend down before delivery. Unless you notice additional symptoms like bleeding or severe back ache with this placental position, there’s nothing to worry about.
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