The two dark pink lines on a home pregnancy strip are a moment of much joy for many couples wanting to have children. But, what if the two pink lines are light or evaporating faintly?
At-home pregnancy test kits are a reasonably accurate way to test pregnancy at home. These tests are sometimes highly sensitive to be detected immediately after your missed period date. The pregnant female may need time to generate more circulating hCG to be significantly detected in a home pregnancy test.
But, if you get two lines, even with fainting lines in the result window, you have a positive result, meaning that your body has started to produce the hormones required for pregnancy. And only a single visible line in the test window can rule out pregnancy possibilities.
This article further explores the indications of faint lines in a pregnancy test and if you should consider another test to confirm pregnancy?
In this Article
What are faint lines in a home pregnancy test?
Understanding the pregnancy test kit result at home can be confusing at times. At-home pregnancy test kits are designed to check for pregnancy based on the circulating human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone present in the urine, typically generated after implantation of the embryo in the uterine walls.
The sequence of events leading to pregnancy in a 28-day menstrual cycle is as follows:
Day 1- First day of last menstrual period
Day 14- Ovulation or release of eggs from the ovaries
Day 15- Fertilization of gametes or conception
Day 20 to 24- Implantation of the embryo into the uterine walls
Day 28- Next menstruation due date
The home pregnancy test window shows three outcomes.
- Two dark pregnancy lines: Indicating pregnancy positive results, more obvious when observed at least 4-5 days after your missed due date
- A single line: signifying negative pregnancy results because of no hCG production.
- Two very faint lines: Two lines for hCG produced (low quantities) – If taken after implantation time before or 1 to 2 days after your missed period date.
Minimum detectable hCG levels in the urine are necessary to get a clear positive result, and the body takes time to increase hCG hormone levels. The two very light lines show hCG hormones in low levels but cannot rule out pregnancy possibility. You can take a pregnancy test 4-5 days after your missed period date, a day or two later, to confirm the same.
Do faint lines indicate false-positive test results?
The answer to this question is NO. The two faint lines are unlikely to signify false-positive test results. In case you have a doubt and want to make sure before you approach a medical practitioner, you can look out for one or more of the following early pregnancy symptoms usually observed during implantation of the embryo, even before your missed period.
- Light vaginal spotting – typically seen during implantation, also known as implantation spotting
- Mild abdominal cramps
- Fatigue or tiredness
- Breast soreness
- Morning sickness – Vomiting and Nausea
- Frequent urination
- Heightened sensitivity to smell
The two faint lines are due to low hCG in the urine. And so, the two light lines of the pregnancy test with the above symptoms and missing your periods together indicates a positive pregnancy test.
Also read :
Is it required to consider another test to confirm pregnancy?
Now that you know the very light pink lines on the pregnancy test kit window are a positive pregnancy result. Sometimes, you may notice these lines gradually evaporate. Not to worry, as the urine in the test window dries up, the light lines fade away.
Also, the weak lines may be because the pregnancy is in its early stages. It is worth knowing not all pregnancies make it through the first pregnancy weeks. And for reassurance, taking a retest after a wait of a day or two is worth it.
Occasionally the test taken after a few days can be negative. If this happens, it may be probably due to
- A ‘chemical pregnancy’- or an early pregnancy loss – commonly seen in 50-60% of first pregnancies.
- Or a wrong interpretation of results.
But, if you have had a more clear positive test for the second time, the light lines previously might have been due to:
- Too early testing of pregnancy or
- Any mistake while taking the test – for urine samples taken early morning can help giving more precise results
In either of the cases – positive or negative, you will need to visit your doctor to confirm the results via a blood test and an initial ultrasound.
Sometimes, when you take the pregnancy test at home, the excitement and enthusiasm may change into confusion with the fainting lines of a pregnancy test. It is important to note a pregnancy test at home with a single line is negative. And two lines, even faint or thin light lines, are the positive result. For reassurance, taking a test a couple of days later is the best option.
Nevertheless, your doctor also can help you by confirming your pregnancy early with a more sensitive blood test.
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