Millions of couples worldwide face difficulties in having a child and getting pregnant. While for many, it may be a smooth ride. Sometimes trying for a baby can leave expecting parents emotionally, financially, and physically drained.
Infertility is an inability to get pregnant even after a year of trying with non-contraceptive intercourse. If you are planning for a family, your doctor also will first recommend a natural conception option before delving into assisted reproduction. The other misconception in many conventional societies is demarcating “infertility as a female problem.”
Things need to be clear in this perspective that infertility is not gender-specific and can affect men and women equally, as men too contribute sperm towards conception.
This article breaks down some important tips for both men and women that can help them through a smoother and faster conception.
In this Article
1. Trying at the Right Age
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecology (ACOG), “the fecundity of women decreases gradually but significantly beginning approximately at age 32 years and decreases more rapidly after age 37 years.” Researches also indicate that pregnancy, avoided at the right age, can increase complications like reduced ovarian reserves, chromosomal disorders in the foetus, and repeated miscarriages.
The buck does not stop here. The sperm quality is also believed to decline with age. Age-related infertility begins after 32 with a monthly fertility rate of 25% that decreases to less than 10% at 35. Age does play a dominating role if you are planning for pregnancy, and getting pregnant at the right age is vital.
2. Keep track of your Fertility Window
For a woman, the ovulation period is the most ideal time to conceive. Tracking your periods and menstrual cycles is a must if planning to get pregnant. Experts say that the possibility of getting pregnant increases five days before ovulation and reaches its peak two days before. Two days post-ovulation, the fertility window nullifies, and conceiving chances is nil.
To keep a track of your ovulation, you now have mobile ovulation trackers that can help you by mentioning details of your menstrual cycles and menstruation time. And if your menstrual cycles are regular with 28 to 30 days of menstrual period, you can begin trying from day 10 or day 11 of the first day of periods and continue till day 18. But, if your menstrual cycles are irregular, you will need to consult your gynaecologist to understand and regulate your menstrual cycles.
3. Have a Healthy Balanced Diet
It is said that “Eating habits decide health conditions.” If you are considering a future pregnancy soon, you will need to take care of your diet. Too much fast food, junk, or oily foods can increase the risk of health conditions like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure, PCODs, and many others that eventually can lead to infertility or pregnancy complications. Some habits like smoking, caffeine, and alcohol abuse can cause fertility issues.
If you want to choose a healthy diet, include
- High-protein foods like dairy products and plant protein (soy products),
- Low carbohydrate diet,
- Increase your iron intake
- Add on monounsaturated fatty acids, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids,
- Vitamin D and vitamin B12 are a must.
You can also consider consulting a dietician for foods that can enhance fertility and improve reproductive health.
4. Learn to Prepare your Body and Mind
Being overweight or obese can negatively impact reproductive health. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), body mass index (BMI) equal to or greater than 25 kg/m2 is considered overweight, and BMI equal to or greater than 30 kg/m2 is obesity.
And among reproductive-aged women, obesity or being overweight is deeply linked to lower fertility rates, higher risks of anovulation (no or delayed ovulation), irregular periods, recurrent pregnancy losses, fertility problems, and stillbirth. On the other hand, even in men with higher than normal BMI, excess body weight can negatively affect reproduction success and fertility.
However, the issues related to obesity can be decreased or reversed by weight loss. It is researched that a 5 to 7% decrease in body weight can significantly improve pregnancy chances.
Not being able to get pregnant can drain the couple emotionally and psychologically. In such scenarios, the mind-body program with counselling and emotional support can help a lot. Finding ways to cope with psychological issues of depression and anxiety is essential.
Look for support groups, friends, and family with whom you can share your thoughts and feel free. You can start with moderate exercises, yoga, and meditation that can help through the mind healing process while helping you moderate your weight.
Ultimately, maintaining a healthy weight, preparing the mind, regular exercise, hobbies, and a positive approach are quintessential while looking ahead for an upcoming pregnancy or fertility treatment.
5. Reconsider your Habits
Infertility is a common public health issue caused due to many lifestyle and environmental factors. Occupational exposure to pesticides, chemicals, herbicides, and air pollutants can affect fertility. If you are planning to get pregnant of late, you will need to take care of certain things like:
- Having non-contraceptive sexual intercourse on alternative days during ovulation time can increase your conception chances. Remember overdoing does not work, and sperms live up to 5 days in the womb for fertilisation.
- Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, and air pollutants that can disrupt fertility.
- Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes, hot sauna baths, exposing heat to the genital region, and extra screen time, as they can affect sperm count.
- Refrain from over-exercising. Too much exercising, workouts, or physical strain can impact reproduction success.
- Avoid alcohol, smoking, and limit your caffeine intake to improve fertility and pregnancy possibilities.
Do not forget to connect with a gynaecologist or fertility specialist to take consultation and understand the whole process better.
Keen on getting pregnant? Taking care of your mind and body is the first step in optimising your chances of conception. One needs to understand that the body needs to be prepared for an upcoming pregnancy, and improving reproductive health is paramount.
The next includes regular menstrual cycle monitoring, followed by weight reduction, a healthy diet, moderate exercise, stress reduction, and many more. Consider options like fertility yoga and mediation that can help maintain a healthy weight and calm emotions.
Remember to connect with a gynaecologist or fertility specialist to know more about ways to boost fertility and reproductive health. The consultation will also help you understand the process better and hence make you better prepared for the pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to conceive a baby?
If you are planning to get pregnant soon, you can consider the following options to improve fertility and your chances of conception:
- Stop smoking. Smoking affects the ability to get pregnant in both men and women.
- Start taking folic acid supplements.
- Eat a healthy diet.
- Reduce caffeine intake.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Have an active lifestyle.
- Avoid alcohol intake.
- Do not take non-prescribed or recreational drugs.
How to conceive twins?
Biologically, conception is when a single sperm fertilises a single egg. However, when two eggs are released during ovulation, or the fertilised egg splits into two embryos, a woman can conceive twins.
How many days after my period can I get pregnant?
During a 28 to 30-day menstrual cycle, typically 9 to 10 days after the first day of last menstruation is when your chances of getting pregnant increase. The fertility window reaches a peak two days before ovulation and during ovulation (when the eggs are released from the ovaries), i.e., till the 18th day after the first day of the last period.